St. Patrick - Champion
Community Outreach Center, Inc.
Empowering the Community Through Compassion
Join Us in Making a Difference Today!


St. Patrick Community Outreach, Inc. strives to reach out to our neighbors in the Vance Avenue Community as well as the larger urban Memphis area by feeding the hungry, providing nutrition and health education; and, supporting the development of the individual.
St Patrick Community Outreach Center is a certified 501(c)(3) organization Organizations that meet the requirements of Section 501(c)(3) are exempt from federal income tax.
Parishioners and friends of St Patrick Catholic Church in Memphis have been known for their giving spirit as far back as the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878. For the last five plus decades, St Patrick Community has focused on providing food, clothing and personal development for adults and children in need for the 38126 and the surrounding areas. This church focuses on social ministries for the poor as much or more than any other church in Memphis.
In 2003, Pastor James Weisner and St Patrick Catholic Church built a facility to house all of these activities and more. Under the three decade plus leadership Of Deacon Eugene Champion, the center grew to encompass new groups of people with new needs. Upon his retirement, the center became known as the St Patrick-Champion Community Outreach Center and Eugene is still involved with meal preparation.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry provides perishable and Nonperishable items for those in need who come to the food pantry at 297 Ida B Wells Street in 38126. The food Pantry meets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1-2:30. Friends receive a box of 10-12 nonperishable items including canned fruit, vegetables, pasta and canned meats to support a family for at least a week. Also each receives meat, fish, cheese or fresh fresh produce. A lunch bag and cold water is also available for those who need food immediately.
Food is acquired from the Mid south food bank and Catholic Charities and paid for,as needed, by the giving people of St Patrick Catholic Church. Friends and Parishioners give their time to work in the pantry and to organize and distribute food. Hundreds of families are helped each month with a predominance of children as seen in a sample log below.
If you would like to donate non-perishable food to the center, contact Gene Mangiante If you would like to make a financial contribution, See "Give" at the bottom of this page.
Food boxes and a turkey are provided at Thanksgiving and Christmas to families in need.

Mobile Food Pantry
For the last 3 years, St Patrick Catholic Church and Outreach center , in conjunction with the Memphis Rotary,MIFA and the Mid South Food Bank have provided nutritious food on a monthly baisi for those in need. Clients drive through the tented area and food is placed in their vehicle by volunteers, Hundreds of vehicles take advantage of the Mobile pantry each month. This event began during the years of Covid and has continued due to the high price of quality food to economically compromised families. MIFA help to deliver food to those who are shut ins,

Foot Clinic
A significant number of our homeless friends who visit our outreach Center have acute and chronic issues with their feet. |This is caused by the ravages of Diabetes, arterial disease, venous disease, poor personal foot care and poorly fitting footwear.
On the fourth Sunday of the month, skilled volunteers in foot care provide cleaning , education and socks and shoes. Referrals to physicians specializing in foot are available as necessary. Donations are needed for socks and shoes.

Sunday Lunch
Every Sunday from 1-2:30 PM, a hot, sit down Sunday Lunch is served for those in need. From 50-100 friends come to enjoy a meal of meat and two vegetables, bread and dessert. Members of the parish and the Millington Knights of Columbus prepare all the meals. All the food is provided by those who are cooking or by the center and cooked by the volunteers. The sit down meals give our friends who may be homeless a respite from the weather elements. On the fourth Sunday of the Month, the meal occurs in conjunction with the health and foot clinic